Tax Display Options
There are several options for how sales tax (GST, VAT etc.) is displayed in the Quote Total.
A Tax Rate is defined on each Price Item, but the amounts entered into your Price Items may exclude tax or they may include tax, which affects the Quote total.
You can choose how the tax should be calculated from the ‘Amounts Are’ menu, which appears under ‘Settings’ when editing a Quote or a Template.
The default can also be set in Account Settings → Quote Defaults → Currency & Tax. Note: ‘Settings’ in a Template override the Quote Defaults.
Tax Display Examples
Amounts Are ‘Tax Exclusive (Inclusive Total)’ will display:
Amounts Are ‘Tax Exclusive’ will display:
Amounts Are ‘Tax Inclusive’ will display:
Amounts Are ‘No Tax’ will display:
^ This will also disregard any Tax Rate which is set on individual Price Items.
Also, see how Sales Tax is calculated on Quotes.