Files and Images

You can add files and images to any Text Item or Price Item on a Quote, and to any Comment, Answer or Private Note. Quote recipients can add files and images when asking a Question on a Quote.

How to attach Files or Images

Simply drag and drop your file/image from your computer onto a Price Item, Text Item, or a Comment …or… hit the image icon (on Items) or paperclip icon (on Comments), and browse for your file/image.

Drag and drop files

File size limit: 150MB per file.
Images larger than 50 megapixels will be added as an attachment.


Files/documents are listed at the bottom of the Item, where a file-type icon is automatically applied. Clicking the file will download it to the user’s device.

Files appear under an Item:

Files appear under an Item


Images are automatically sized into thumbnails and sit at the bottom of the Item, with a uniform height of 125 pixels (the width can vary, but the maximum displayed width is 300 pixels). Clicking on a thumbnail image will pop-up a large version, with the option to download the full-size image.

Click a thumbnail for a large view:

Images appear under an Item as thumbnails

Images appear under an Item as thumbnails:

Click a thumbnail for a large view

Image formats accepted: .jpg, .png, .gif