Import / Export Overview

You can find options for importing and exporting your data in:
Account Settings → Import / Export Data (Admin Access Only)

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Import / Export:


Common issues when importing:

We recommend using a Google Sheets spreadsheet to help prepare your CSV for importing into Quotient.

If you choose to use Microsoft Excel, you'll need to make sure ‘UTF-8 encoded CSV’ is checked when saving your CSV file.

If your original file has been saved in a format other than UTF-8 format, it may not be possible to undo (some special letters will be 'corrupted') – in this case you may need to start-over from a fresh export or template/example file.

You can download a fresh template/example file from Account Settings → Import / Export Data → Import.

Import limits:

  • A maximum of 1,000 rows can be imported at a time. A limit of 5,000 (of either Contacts, Price Items or Text Items) is supported in Quotient.
  • The CSV file must not exceed 10MB.

CSV format (this is the default for Google Sheets):

  • Comma separated.
  • Enclosed with double quotes.
  • Escaped with double quotes.
  • The first row must contain the correct field names.
  • Encoded in UTF-8 format.