Bonus features and little unknown gems

Dale & Nathan Posted on August 4, 2012
by Dale & Nathan

We’ve been holding back a few features we hope some of you power users find useful when making your next quote.

Setting a starting quote number

If you’re starting out and would like to set a higher quote number or if you’ve migrated from a previous quoting system number sequence. See Settings > Edit quote defaults > Set the Quote number.

Email notification of all accepted quotes

The quote author automatically receives a notification, but how do you keep the big boss or others in the loop? You can add one or more email address to receive a copy of all accepted quote notifications. If you make use of a CRM such as Highrise or Capsule you may want to use your email dropbox address here too.

See Settings > Edit quote defaults > Email a copy of accepted quotes.

Quantity – is an optional field

If you’re the type of business that doesn’t deal with unit costs of a line item, then try leaving the quantity field empty. The quote view your customer sees will appear much cleaner, by displaying the price only (all other fields, unit price, and quantity will be hidden). Much nicer.

Fancier text with bold, italic and bullets

Use the following textile markup in any description fields to apply formatting to your text:

Text as it appears when editing: ...will display on the Quote as:
This text will appear *bold* This text will appear bold
This text will appear _italic_ This text will appear italic
A list of important things:
* this is a bullet list item one
* this is a bullet list item two
** a list inside a list
* this is a bullet list item three
A list of important things:
  • this is a bullet list item one
  • this is a bullet list item two
    • a list inside a list
  • this is a bullet list item three
Linked URL:
Linked URL:
Text with link:
"Google Website":
Text with link:
Google Website